New Content Page

content page
Jan 27, 2022

We have a new content page dedicated exclusively to helping our fans find content in an easier way, and creators increase their visibility on the platform πŸ˜‰ sounds like a win-win isn’t it?

Content Page | How to appear there

The answer is simple: posting content.

Any fan subscribed or not who visits the content page will be able to see the latest posts of all EscortFans creators, but keep in mind that not all content is visible for free, only the Public Posts (Regular posts for everyone).

On the content page, you will find a wide variety of content that you can purchase or simply enjoy for free. And as a model, you will have the chance to make yourself known to more people and attract potential subscribers to your profile, or just to simply sell more of your Paid Posts.

Content Page | Content types

πŸ”“ Pay To Unlock. These are extra Paid Publications. If you want to see the post’s content, you will have to purchase it. No need to stay subscribed to any profile. For creators, this is the option “Paid Post for Everyone”.

πŸ‘€ Subscribe to Buy. Only subscribed fans can purchase the extra paid publications. If you are not a subscribed fan but you want to buy that content, you should first subscribe to the creator’s profile and after that, you will be able to purchase it.

πŸ’– Free for Subscribers. This is the regular content that creators post for their fans, it’s included in their subscriptions and viewable only for currently subscribed fans. For creators, this is the option “Regular Post for Subscribers”.

πŸ‘€ Public content is viewable by everyone, regardless of whether you are subscribed or not. Fans can enjoy it for free and it’s of great help for creators to grab their attention and make them subscribe to their profiles. For creators, this is the option “Regular Post for Everyone”.

Extra Tips for creators

Remember to post new content frequently. Recent posts are automatically placed at the top regardless of their post type! And most importantly, the more active, the more visibility and the more chances to attract new fans!

  • Publish some “Paid Posts for Everyone”, and allow any fan to buy your content, a great strategy to increase your income! Make sure the content is extra-exclusive and set a realistic price based on the length and quality of your media.
  • Upload some spicy “Public Posts” (regular post for everyone) to grab the attention of potential subscribers.
  • Make your Titles and Descriptions public. Allow the titles and descriptions of your posts to be public by going to your Profile Settings and checking the option β€œYES, MAKE MY TITLES AND DESCRIPTION PUBLIC”.


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  1. If you haven’t joined us yet, sign up for free by clicking here.
  2. Follow our socials @EscortFans for new posts, contests, money-making tips, and more!
  3. Contact a success coach at [email protected] for one-on-one advice from an expert (it’s free!).

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