International Masturbation Day

International Masturbation Day
May 15, 2023

International Masturbation Day is upon us (May 28th), and we want you to take full advantage 😉 Here are some fun health, relationship, and general facts about masturbation. Should you masturbate? How often? Are there any downsides to masturbation? Let’s get into it!

Is masturbation healthy?

Masturbation can be really good for your physical and mental well-being. When you climax after masturbating, your body releases four extremely great chemicals – adrenaline, oxytocin, endorphins and serotonin. The release of all four chemicals gives you a feeling of euphoria which is a feeling that is almost impossible to match. Sometimes you’re not even horny but you need a boost of positive chemicals!

Physical benefits can include lowering of blood pressure as well as the commonly known benefit that is the massive release experienced after masturbating can lead to helping you beat insomnia and fall asleep easier and faster. Not to mention it’s a great way to get your heart rate up and blood pumping through your veins! Women have also found masturbation helps them feel some relief from menstrual cramps, which is great as if you’re a lady reading this, you’ll know when the horniest time of the month is for you 😉

Can masturbation affect my relationship?

All things should be done in moderation of course. Masturbation becomes handy (excuse the pun) in a relationship should either you or your partner have a higher or lower sex drive than the other. Maybe you have a higher sex drive than your partner, masturbating will help you balance sexual intercourse with your partner and a nice healthy solo session in order to satisfy your sexual appetite. Your partner shouldn’t have an issue with you playing with yourself, but be sure to chat with them about it.

How to include your partner in masturbation

Masturbation certainly doesn’t have to be a one-player game. Many couples enjoy watching each other masturbate instead of having sexual intercourse. This can be a fun, different and alluring activity to do with your partner. You’ll find it extremely difficult to keep your hands off each other!

Another great way to experience the benefits of masturbation together is via phone sex or sexting. Your sex life does not need to stop due to you being in a long-distance relationship, or your partner being away for a business trip. Keep the spark alive by having a sexy video call where you both pleasure yourselves. This will leave you two feeling closer than you think!

Toys or no toys?

This is completely up to you and what you prefer. If you’re someone who hasn’t tried playing with some toys, this is a good time to give it a go. You get toys of all shapes, sizes and uses for both males and females, TS and everything in between! Find out what you enjoy and try something new. It’s also completely fine to use the good old palm and fingers 😏

There is nothing wrong with masturbating

You’ll find that many people won’t admit to masturbating, they act as if masturbation is somehow below them. We want you to know that there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with masturbation! There are multiple physical benefits, as well as mental and emotional benefits. It’s also a great excuse to get to know your body, explore your bits and find out what you like and dislike.

Celebrate International Masturbation Day the only way we know how, by having a good time and giving your body the massive release it soooo deserves! Go ahead ladies and gents… trust me, you’re not alone 😉


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